Home Digital Marketing How digital marketing helps in your carrier growth

How digital marketing helps in your carrier growth

by admin

Now Digital Marketing is not just only a part of Marketing, It is a Complete Marketing, Are you agree with my point?

In present scenario a person spend more time using the internet and less time with other medium– advertisers are also forced to follow this trend. Unfortunately, digital marketing is not as simple and straight forward as traditional marketing. Digital marketing is best done in-house and cannot be outsourced to a digital marketing agency for various practical reasons. This is the reason that digital marketing experts are sought after all over the world right now and the demand for such candidates will go up &up in the future.

If you have anMBA/PGDM degree or if you are from marketing background and want to become a digital marketing expert; you may be wondering which the best way to go about it. There are several courses on digital marketing which are being offered as workshops, online courses, classroom sessions etc.

Now a Days Universities/Institutions starts offering MBA in Digital Marketing, or Short term diploma courses /Part Time courses in digital marketing, Some of they are XLRI, Jamshedpur, IIM Bangalore etc. There are few certification exams also such as HubSpot Inbound Marketing certification program and Google Adwords certification. But does attending all these courses and getting all the certificates make you a digital marketing expert? The answer is NO. It may help you learn the fundamentals and even some advanced concepts in digital marketing but it does not make you career ready for a position like Digital Marketing Associate/ Manager. Digital marketing expertise comes with digital marketing experience.

The best way to become a digital marketing expert is to start practicing digital marketing by own. The best thing about digital marketing is that you can start doing it at small scale from anywhere. All you need is a computer/Laptop, an internet connection and a small amount of money to play with Website/Facebook/Google. You can learn digital marketing by applying the concepts in your own mini-project.

Here are the things you can do by yourself:

Applying Digital Marketing techniques on a Small Scale for your own project

  • Choose a topic you are passionate about and start a blog about it. Cost: Approx. $40 per year for domain registration and hosting.
  • After start writing articles/ post according to your interest
  • Learn a little about SEO and use SEO optimized key words in article.
  • Install Google Analytics tracking code and see if you are getting some traffic to your blog.
  • Open an Adwords account and do some keywords research to see what people are searching for in Google to find information on the topic you are blogging about.
  • Write regular articles and publish on your blog.
  • Embed social sharing buttons in your blog articles. You can do this using WordPress plugins and it is free.
  • Open a Facebook page dedicated to your blog and share the articles on your Facebook page.
  • Promote yourblog post page with Facebook advertising. Budget for promotion can be as low as $10.
  • Implement Facebook like box in your blog.
  • Sign up for an email marketing service such as MailChimp. (A basic free tool) Also try Aweber. Costs $20 per month.
  • Embed email signup forms in your blog and collect subscribers. Email subscribers whenever you publish something in your blog.
  • Use Google feedburner
  • Promote your Facebook page through email marketing and in turn also get more email subscribers from your Facebook page.
  • Promote your blog via Adwords. Get started with very low CPC bids. Most new Adwords accounts get a free $100 credit for promotion. If you don’t get it, call Adwords support and they will give you free credits to get you started.
  • Sign up for Google Adsense(An earning tool from google) and deploy advertising codes in your blog.
  • Convert your blog into a mobile friendly blog and create mobile ads in Adwords.

Above steps can be done in 30 days by investing one hour per day. After you will do all above steps, you will get hands on experience with below mentioned digital marketing tool

Components of Digital Marketing

  • Content marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Adwords-Paid Search (PPC)
  • Email marketing
  • Web Analytics and Reporting
  • Google AdSense
  • Mobile Marketing

 After this you can continue scaling up your mini-projects like Google Webmaster tool, Affiliate Marketing, etc.

The job of a Digital Marketing Manager

As a manager of digital marketing you will be responsible for heading the entire digital marketing wing of the company. You may also have to manage a team of Associates /Executives who will be ready to execute specific digital marketing actions. Digital marketing is most effective when all the components of digital marketing are used in such a way that they complement each other. If the company is large enough, the job title can be VP of Digital Marketing where several managers’ report to the VP. Such jobs are coming up fast and can be highly lucrative.

After learning Digital Marketing if you are not interest to work full time, you can work part time/ project based work/freelancing sitting in your office/Home.

Don’t wait & become a Digital Marketing expert today.


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